Saturday, February 11, 2012

Secrets to Caring For Roses

There are very few flowers as gorgeous and well known as a rose.

They are recognized in almost every country, and have been around for thousands of years. With a little gardening knowledge you can start growing your own rose bushes. Having numerous roses in the garden is easy and rewarding. With some more understanding of garden care you can have great success with caring for your roses.

There are so many different types of rose bushes. There is a different type of rose to suit any preference, color, shape, taste, or anything you could imagine. When you understand the needs of a rose- it can be very easy to care for your rose bushes. Roses should be planted in a good, sunny place. They require at least six hours of direct, unfiltered sunlight per day. Some rose bushes are rumored to grow well in shade, but even these roses need four to six hours of unfiltered, direct sunlight. Good soil is also needed when caring for roses. The soil can be enhanced with a little compost.

Pests will sometimes target your rose bushes. Rose bushes are susceptible to many different types of harmful pests like caterpillars, aphids, rose slugs, thrips, mites, Japanese beetles, rose midge larva, rose cane borer, stem girders, scale insects, and rose chafers. After identifying the type of pest on your rose bush there are a few different ways to correct the problem. If only a couple harmful bugs are on your rose bush you can try picking them off and disposing of them yourself. Just make sure to remove the leaf the bugs were on because they could have laid eggs. If your pest problem is more serious you can use natural or synthetic chemicals to help solve the pest problem. Always follow the proper directions when handling these kinds of chemicals. Natural or organic chemicals can also be harmful to people if they are misused. If you don't really want to use chemicals you can try getting some insects or animals to hunt the pests. Ladybugs and some wasps will eat the harmful pests without damaging the rose themselves. Check your local garden supplier for more options with pest control.

Pruning rose bushes is another big part of rose bush care. Also known as deadheading, this helps produce more blooms. If the bloom fades the rose will set seed and stop making new flowering shoots. Pruning also involves trimming the dead twigs and training the rose bush to grow a certain way. Pruning is a vital step to keeping your rose bushes healthy and beautiful.

No garden is truly complete without at least one type of rose bush. If a rose bush is taken care of correctly it can bloom from June until winter. Roses are beautiful additions to the home, and make wonderful gifts. With a little bit of care you can have a perfect rose bush giving unlimited roses

For more great tips and advice on Caring For Roses [] visit [].

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