Sunday, February 5, 2012

Five Popular Orchid Species

There are virtually thousands of orchid species found throughout the world.

You will likely want to choose a plant that produces beautiful flowers. However, you will also need to consider the type of environment that you can provide. This article will discuss some of the most popular orchid species.


This is one of the most popular varieties. These plants produces either twins or triplets of three inch flowers. The flowers come in colors of red, white, orange, and purple. Dendrobium orchids can go relatively tall, so you need to make sure you provide stability with a stake. During the summer months, you need to give them full light, humidity, and provide warm temperatures. They like less humidity and heat during the winter.


One of the next popular orchid species is the Cattleya variety. These plants produce white, yellow, rose, or purple flowers. They are also well-liked because of their beautiful scent. It's best to grow them in temperatures ranging from 60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit.


Up next are the Vanda orchids. They are quite exotic and liked because of their unique design. The flowers emerge from the bases of the leaves. The leaves themselves grow from the plant's single stalk. These plants can produce between five and 20 flowers each bloom.


Laelia orchids, cousins the Cattleyas, hail from Mexico. They flower in the fall and winter. The flowers range from white with yellow markings, yellow with red markings, and white with rose and purple lips. Laelias prefer plenty of light and temperatures ranging from 60 to 65 degrees.


One of the final most popular orchid species is the Cymbidium. Flowers can be colored either white, brown, green, or red. After being cut, they last longer than most other types. Therefore, they are commonly used to create corsages. You should grow Cymbidiums somewhere that is no more than 60 degrees Fahrenheit.

Now you know some of the most popular orchid species. If you want to try your hand at raising one of these beautiful plants, stop by to learn all about caring for orchids. As you just read, there are many different species, each with their own requirements. So, stop by today to become an expert at growing orchids.

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